Thursday, June 30, 2022

Now You, Too, Can Admire The Tree Privet!

Known by scientists as the Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.)Blume, the Tree Privet can be enjoyed by all . . . if not in your gardens, right here online!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Here For All To Enjoy Is An Early Summer Flower!

Please meet the Ilium giganteum Regel Giant . . .
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"When Is A Leaf Not A Leaf?" Have you figured it out yet?

When is A leaf not A leaf? (Must be spoken to be a successful riddle!) Give up? "A" leaf is not "A" leaf when it's "B" Leaf (belief)! Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022 Note: This riddle must be spoken in order to be successfully "riddling"! N.B. With many thanks to Raffi who got Marash Girl started "riddling" all those many years ago!!!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Since Summer Has Arrived, And Leaves Are All About . . .

Please allow Marash Girl to ask you the following question . . . or riddle, should you choose to see it that way! "When is a leaf not a leaf?" (Must be spoken to be a successful riddle!) Check in tomorrow for the answer!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Have You Ever Met The Milk Thistle?

Have you ever met the Milk Thistle, better known in the scientific world as Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L.? If you've never met her before, please pause now and greet the Milk Thistle!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Saturday, June 25, 2022

"What blade can never be sharpened?"

"What blade can never be sharpened?" Give up? Want the answer? Here goes . . . "A blade of grass can be cut, but a blade of grass can never be sharpened!" [Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022]

Friday, June 24, 2022

And As This Is Now The Fourth Day Of Summer . . .

As this is now the fourth day of summer, Marash Girl is inspired to ask her readers the following riddle . . . you'll see why when you figure out the answer. "What blade can never be sharpened?" [Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022] Check in tomorrow to see if you've arrived at the correct answer!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

A Walk In The Park A Fortnight Ago . . .

A walk in the park a fortnight ago, and look who came out to greet Marash Girl!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

"What did the horse in Holyoke, Massachusetts, call the farmer who lived on the farm next door?"

Okay, so "What did the horse in Holyoke, Massachusetts, call the farmer who lived on the farm next door?" Figured it out yet? No? Well, here's the answer! The horse on the farm next door to the farmer in Holyoke, Massachusetts, called the farmer his neighbor, of course! [Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022]

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

An Original Riddle Inspired By The Farms Of Western Massachusetts!

What did the farmer in Holyoke, Massachusetts, call the horse on the farm next door? Or rather, let's put it another way: what did the horse on a farm in Holyoke, Massachusetts, call the farmer who lived on the farm next door? (Check in tomorrow for the answer!) [Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022]

Monday, June 20, 2022

"When is a joke not funny?" Figured it out yet?

A joke's not funny when the joke's on you! Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Welcome the Mandeville laxa (Ruiz & pav.) Woodson Chilean-Jasmine!

Admittedly, this flower is a lot prettier than its name!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Yet Another Riddle!!!

When is a joke not funny? Check in on Monday for the answer!

Friday, June 17, 2022

Marash Girl Welcomes The Oriental Iris To Her Humble Front Garden!

Please meet the Oriental Iris (Iris orientalis Mill.), an iris which made its way all the way from the orient to the gardens of New England!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

When is a lock not a lock?

Have you figured out the answer to this riddle yet? If not, read on . . . Riddle: When is a lock not a lock? Answer: A lock is not a lock when you see it! (i.e., when you "c" it.) When you "c" it, a lock becomes a . . . . CLOCK!!!! Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Another Riddle For You . . . Let's See If You Can Figure This One Out!

When is a lock not a lock? Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022. Check in tomorrow for the answer!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Yet Another Riddle For You!

"When can a loon fly high in the sky?" Above Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022

When is an apple tree a crab apple tree?

When is an apple tree a crab apple tree? Have you figured it out yet? An apple tree is a crab apple tree when it gets up (or rather grows up) on the wrong side of the bed . . . the flower bed, that is! Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

Here's a riddle for you!

When is an apple tree a crab apple tree? Check in tomorrow for the answer! Original Riddle by MarashGirl©2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Friday, June 10, 2022

This Flowering Dogwood Brightens The Local Park

Cornus florida L. LC Flowering Dogwood
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Allow Marash Girl To Introduce You To The Iris pallida Lam. . . . The Sweet Iris?

All Iris are not alike, even though they may look alike! And an Iris with the same name may not be the same color!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Please Welcome The Hesperis matronalis L. Better Known As The Dames Rocket!

Please meet the Hesperis matronalis L., better known as the Dames Rocket . . . and NOT the same flower as the flower you met yesterday!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022 Wait . . . Don't go away yet! Look at this!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022 And this beauty!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022 Above Photos by MarashGirl©2022

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Monday, June 6, 2022

And Allow Marash Girl To Introduce You To The Japanese Spiraea!

Photo by MarashGirl©2022 Above please view the Spiraea japonica L.f., better known as the Japanese Spiraea!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Say Hello To The Dames Rocket (Hesperis matronalis L.), If You Dare!

You may think you have alreadu met this dame, but have you met a dame that is white with five petals? A Dame's Rocket has four petals, while Phlox has five! Just count those petals!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Have you ever met the Cyanus montanus (L.) Hill Perennial Cornflower?

Here's your chance!
Photo by MarashGirl©2022 And here are three of them!