Thursday, January 20, 2011


After many months, Peter decides to visit Jennie at her home; enough of this sneaking around!

So one evening, he drives to 47 Vassal Lane in Cambridge, parks his old Chevie in front of the Vartanian's three decker house, walks the short distance from the sidewalk to the green wooden front door, runs up the three flights of stairs, and knocks. But Yester answers his knock. Is Jennie at home? (I think he's speaking in Turkish now.) Yester shows him the way to the living room and motions for him to sit down. Peter waits for about 10 minutes, and soon Lydia, Jennie's older sister, joins him. They converse for a while, but Jennie never appears. Peter is nonplussed. Lydia continues to chatter.

'Man sitting on tack better off.' He may think of this favorite joke of his as he sits in the living room for an hour with Lydia sans Jennie (a polite visit). So,in order to be 'better off', he stands up and, without a word, walks out of the living room and through the front door, leaving behind the tack in the chair.

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