Saturday, January 1, 2011

Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի

Shnorhavor Nor Dari - Happy New Year!
A double entry for New Year's Day -- One from my husband Levon as he joyously greeted me this morning with these words: Her sene bu gunlere.
He remembers his parents blessing the future with these words whenever they were having a happy day or a festive occasion. Thus, every New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, Levon's parents would announce, Her sene bu gunlere (May every year have these days) and his grandmother (who, with her daughters, had survived the Armenian Genocide) would add, ana baba ulan, (with mother and father). His grandmother was a master of understatement.

Here's my entry with a nod to Robert Burns:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 
And never brought to mind? 
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 
And auld lang syne!
. . . 
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet 
For auld lang syne.

As I lay falling asleep last night, I sang Auld Lang Syne (quoted above) and remembered my childhood and beyond by remembering the people who were an integral part of my life and who live no longer: Mommy Jennie Bilezikian (nee Lucille Mae Vartanian); Daddy Peter Bilezikian (nee Bedros Movses Bilezikjian); Uncle Paul Bilezikian (nee Boghos Bilezikjian); Aunty Zabelle Bilezikian (nee Zabelle Apovian) and her parents Levon and Gulenia Apovian; Grandma Epros Kurtguzian Bilezikian; Grandpa Moses Bilezikian; Aunty Rosie Bilezikian Gabonlyan; Aunty Gulenia Bilezikian Sulahian (still living at 104 in California); Uncle Setrak Sulahian; Uncle Arakel Bilezikian; Auntie Mary (Kurtguzian) Pambookian; Uncle Jack Pambookian; Charlie Pambookian; Harry Pambookian (who still lives in West Newton); Grandma Yester Bosnian Vartanian; Grandpa Garabed (Charlie) Vartanian; Auntie Lydia Vartanian Kricorian & Uncle Edward Kricorian; Uncle George Vartanian; Great Grandma Bosnian (whose first name I never knew, but I know she lived in Winchester, MA and was related to Merin Norian); Auntie Mogie and Uncle Joe Bosnian; Auntie Bea Bilezikian (nee Beatrice Kasparian) and her brother Uncle Doctor; Uncle Kay (Krikor) Bilezikian; Uncle (Rev.) Vartan Bilezikian and his wife Auntie Elmast; Auntie Eliz Akashian and her daughter Peggy; Dr. Bill Giles; Zabelle Mississian and her brother Kegham; Mercedes Attarian; Mari Kricorian; Harry Mooseghian; Vahan Topalian; Ian MacDonald; Dick Diran; Auntie Armenouhie Bablouzian (nee Bilezikian); Uncle Levon Bablouzian; Uncle Levon Bilezikian; Auntie Agnes Bilezikian; Auntie Nectar and Uncle Kay der Ohannessian; their daughter Auntie Azad and Uncle Dom Strazzula; Helen Vaznaian; Uncle Manoog Bilezikjian and his wife Auntie Lucia; Auntie Gohar Bilezikjian Koomruian & Richie Koumruian, Garbis Daguermendjian, Nishan Charkoudian, Azniv Charkoudian, Haroutioun Charkoudian, Rose Charkoudian, Carmen Hackett, Dr. George Charkoudian, Charlie Merrick, Katie Atikian, Arppie Charkoudian, Louise Erickson Ulbrich, Charlie Movsesian, Howard Zinn . . .

Let us remember and be thankful for all the folks who made us who we are today.

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