Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Back in the late 1950's, The Bible Club at Newton High School was an effort on the part of some of us to buck the tide of high school assumptions and live the good life; as a symbol of this, those of us who were members of the club, were 'book' carrying members -- i.e., we placed our Bibles on the top of the pile of textbooks that we carried from class to class. (I think it was at that same time that, having won the right from my parents to wear lipstick when I was in the 8th grade, I chose to give up wearing lipstick -- and for that matter -- any makeup, as a sign that only I decided what I did, and not the cliques around me.)

One of my best friends and a good friend of our family at that time was Ronnie Isaacs (now known as Skip). He was constantly challenging assumptions and therefore endearing himself to all of us, especially my father. Ronnie was very aware of my faith in Christ and never hesitated to put me to the test. One day, Ronnie walked up to me in the hallway and stomped on my foot -- leaving the imprint of his stomp on the right shoe of my brand new pair of white bucks. Needless to say, I was quick to retort in rather ungentle tones. Uh-uh, said Ronnie. Turn the other buck!

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