Thursday, February 24, 2011


Reubens for lunch in New York City.

First day at Stage Door Deli.  Reubens piled high with thinly sliced corned beef, lots of cheese and sauerkraut with plenty of mustard and Russian dressing. Delicious. Cole Slaw. Delicious. Whole sour pickles and dill pickles. Delicious.

Next day at Junior's . .  Reubens with thickly sliced corned beef, very little cheese, no sauerkraut, no Russian dressing. Okay. Tiny cup of cole slaw. Okay. One dill pickle. Okay.

Last and least, the Marriott Marquis. Reubens with corned beef, hardly any cheese, no sauerkraut, no Russian dressing, no mustard (even after asking). Not okay. No Cole Slaw.  Not okay.  3 thin circular slices of pickle.  Not okay. Definitely not okay.

I should have stopped while I was ahead.

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