Friday, April 1, 2011


When Marash Girl was in the 9th grade at Day Jr. High School, Dr. Helen Vaznaian was assistant principal, Christian Herter was Governor of Massachusetts, and Edna Boghosian was the Governor's Secretary.  Thus it happened that the governor accepted an invitation to speak to the 9th grade class, the class soon to graduate from Day Jr. High School.  As President of the Student Council, Marash Girl was the Mistress of Ceremonies, and successfully introduced the performers and speakers that preceded the governor who was the high point of the assembly.  Just before the governor was to speak, Marash Girl dutifully announced, "We will now close the assembly by the singing of the Star Spangled Banner."   The principal, taken aback, rushed onto the stage and over to the podium.  Marash Girl had forgotten all about Governor Herter!  The principal, Ralph Morse, kind man that he was, rather than calling Marash Girl an April Fool, simply used the event as a teaching moment:  I guess that's why pencils have erasers, he said, smiling, and suggesting that Marash Girl (who now had a face as red as the blouse she was wearing) introduce Governor Herter to her 9th grade class before (rather than after) she close the assembly!  If nothing else, the 9th grade class had a good laugh on the April Fool of April Fool's Day!

N.B.  Edna Boghosian sat behind Marash Girl's father in homeroom all through Watertown High School and graduated with him in 1932, and Helen Vaznaian was a young girl helping her father in his spa in Medford when Marash Girl's father would go there to fix their refrigerator in the 1930's.

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