Monday, April 11, 2011


Golden Mountain Lions, that is, in the tamed and civilized hills of Rolling Hills Estates (Los Angeles suburbs) . . . I kid you not!  Marash Girl was having dinner with her Marashtzi Cousins in a most elegant condominium looking out of the window as the sun went down, the setting sun shining on the gold of a golden mountain lion taking a leisurely walk through the grassy hills, the lion framed by the picture window for all to see -- but if you live in California, apparently, you don't see what you see.  Oh, that's just a cat, said my cousin's wife.  Now for someone who has grown up with cats and who knows cats, I'd sure have to agree with her -- a cat alright!  A cat of about 5 feet in length with a tail almost as long. . . Just out for an early evening stroll!

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