Sunday, May 22, 2011


Writing about Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, my father, and Baby Kerrigan this past Friday reminded Marash Girl of a Little Lulu comic strip she read many years ago. 
Little Lulu was standing in front of an ice cream store with her cute little dog, longing for an ice cream cone, when a wealthy woman approached them and started admiring Little Lulu's dog.  Little Lulu responded, "My dog Rover just loves ice cream cones!"  "Oh, really?" said the elegant woman.  'Well, little girl, here's a nickel -- go and buy Rover some ice cream!" With a grin, Little Lulu ran into the store with the nickel and came out licking an ice cream cone.  "Oh!" said the elegant woman, affronted.  "I thought you said your dog loves ice cream cones!  That's why I gave you the nickel!"  "Yes,"  answered Little Lulu.  "My dog loves the cones; I love the ice cream!"

N.B.  "Ha Baby Kerrigan, Ha Little Lulu." (For you Marashtis out there!) Or we in the United States might say, "Like Baby Kerrigan, so Little Lulu."

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