Friday, May 13, 2011


Marash Girl grew up in an Armenian household. Whenever her father, an electrician, (among many other talents), found lights on in a room empty of people, he would ask in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the house: What is this? The Edison Centennial?  

Reprimanded by her father whenever Marash Girl neglected to shut the light in a room that she had just left, she chose to marry Marash Boy who was taught that all lights must be left on in all rooms until all members of the family had retired.  And here Marash Girl thought she had married someone with similar values: Armenian, intellectually curious, always questioning, Protestant, parents survivors of the Armenian genocide from Marash.

Thus the struggle to this day -- Marash Girl goes around the house (hers or anyone else's) closing lights in rooms that are not in use, and Marash Boy goes around opening them.  Or should I say, Marash Girl goes around turning lights off, while Marash Boy goes around turning them on! (See 5/9/11 post: Open the light!)

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