Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Timing is Everything: Moon Over Buffalo, Lamoille County Players, Hyde Park Opera House, Hyde Park, Vermont

Timing is everything in life and theatre.

Two days of rain in Stowe, Vermont, with a promise of 5 more days of rain and we were ready for a change, an afternoon of laughter and fun, which is exactly what we found on Sunday afternoon watching the Lamoille County Players final performance of MOON OVER BUFFALO! 

Hyde Park Opera House, Hyde Park, Vermont
home of the Lamoille County Players
Rain can dampen even the most ebullient of spirits!

 Luckily the powers that be allowed photos;
just no flash!
The theatre curtain for the Hyde Park Opera House (still in use today) was the subject of coversation as the audience awaited the performance.  Painted by Vermont artist Charles Hardin Andrus (1851-1924), the curtain exhibited the Natural Bridge in West Virginia with Vermont's Killington Mountain in the background -- the artist's reasoning?  'The Natural Bridge is one of the 7 Wonders of the World and this Opera House is the 8th'.
Their timing perfect, the actors never paused in bringing to life this "side-splitting" comedy; the audience never stopped grinning, guffawing, chuckling, cheering.  Laughter ruled on Sunday afternoon in the old Hyde Park Opera House, Hyde Park, Vermont, rain or no rain!
If you ever find yourself in the north of Vermont, 
be sure to catch a performance by the
Lamoille County Players at the  
Hyde Park Opera House, Hyde Park, Vermont
You'll be happy you did!

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