Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Birds and the Books: After the Tornado in Wilbraham

The last book we looked at before the tornado in Wilbraham was the book on how to identify wildflowers.  We were trying to identify what turned out to be the wild asters around the ancient peach tree, but the last birds we looked at were Momma and Poppa flycatcher feeding their baby flycatchers on the ledge above the porch (See blog post for June 2, 2011 )  Thus when I saw the bird book laying open on the ground under some branches, I fully expected it to be open to the page describing flycatchers.  As you can see (above), it was not.  So what happened to our family of flycatchers?  If Momma and Poppa flycatcher survived, are they grieving their lost home and their lost little ones who could certainly not yet fly away, much less catch their own flies for supper?

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