Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Goats Survived! The Tornado, Westview Creamery, Monson, Massachusetts

Aline & Raffi, August, 2009, enjoying Westview Creamery ice cream in the shade!

Feeding the goats, Westview Farm, August, 2009
WESTVIEW CREAMERY is Raffi and Aline's favorite place to visit, as much for the goats as for the ice cream. On top of a mountain in Monson, Massachusetts, it has the best ice cream around (it's very own, made on site, ice cream which far outshines Ben & Jerry's) and, in the fall, the biggest pumpkins you've ever seen.  But what makes it most special for many of us, especially the young ones, is the goats; every summer's day there are children surrounding the goat pen, joyously feeding the goats 'ice cream cones' filled with goat food pellets, or simply handfuls of grass.
Thus, when  Raffi & Aline learned that the tornado had destroyed their summer cabin on Wilbraham Mountain, the cabin that their great grandfather had built to replace the lost homeland, a haven for all to come and celebrate life,  the children asked, "But are the goats okay?"  Marash Girl had, in fact, tried to drive down East Hill Road in Monson to see if the goats were okay, but the road was blocked for days. Yesterday Marash Girl was able to drive along East Hill Road to Westview Farm & Creamery. There was devastation on both sides of the road, huge trees down on every side, but the farm looked intact.  With a sigh of hope, Marash Girl proceeded to the ice cream shop and spoke with the manager.  The only damage was to the barn -- the roof blew off -- and to the goat's shelter which was blown in half.  We've ordered another goat shelter, but it will be  a while before it gets here. We're all fine, she said, all of us and all of the goats.  We all survived.

Wilbraham Mountain can be seen on the horizon to the left of the goat pens. In the foreground, a post tornado temporary shelter has been set up for the goats.

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