Friday, June 24, 2011


Newly released medical thriller, TUNNEL VISION by Gary Braver
Feasting on small wedges of Stellina's pizza and sipping glasses of wine, an audience of 50 listened intently as author Gary Goshgarian (aka Gary Braver) read from the first pages of his new medical thriller, TUNNEL VISION, just released on June 21, 2011. Hard to guess that Goshgarian would have his audience laughing as he discussed his background research on near death experiences;  he assured us all that the paddles were in the back, just in case.  A physicist by training, a Protestant by birth, he spoke candidly of the conflict he has experienced throughout his adult life with the concept of an afterlife.  "I don't know," he quipped, "but the older I get, the more I'm in favor of one!"
Gary Goshgarian aka Gary Braver signing his newly released book, TUNNEL VISION,  yesterday at Stellina's in Watertown Square
Quoting Woody Allen, Goshgarian ended his talk: "I know I'm gonna die, but I don't wanna be there!"

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