Friday, July 22, 2011

Farewell to Borders Books

It is with great sorrow that Marash Girl read the email from Borders Books this morning, the email that confirmed yet again the demise of Borders Books. 

Has our society come to a crossroads?  Are we really participating in what may be seen as another 'burning of the books'?  Or is this simply the case of another mega-business brought to its knees?

For months, Marash Girl has been receiving emails, not from mega-bookstores, but from small independent booksellers, humbly bidding farewell to their customers before closing their doors forever.

Above photo taken from the internet several years ago; can't remember who to credit, but thank you, whoever you are!
For Marash Girl, books, ink and paper books, are holy.  She will continue to honor the ink and paper book for as long as the Lord allows.  Please go to and peruse her inventory of over 28,000 titles for sale, books old and new, in every possible category you could imagine; and if there are no books listed there of interest, have faith.  There are another 28,000 as yet to be listed in her warehouse, an old train depot in Newton Corner, Massachusetts.

In the meantime, pray for all booksellers as they struggle to keep their doors open and their books away from the ashes.

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