Monday, August 8, 2011

Louisa May Alcott, Thoreau, Marash Boy & the Colonial Inn

"Louisa May Alcott" wishes Marash Boy a Happy Birthday in the dining room of the Colonial Inn, Concord, Massachusetts
Although it was pouring rain, a real downpour yesterday, Marash Girl invited Marash Boy to a buffet brunch at the Colonial Inn in Concord, Massachusetts. Much to Marash Boy's surprise, it was yet another birthday celebration, this time a joint party for Marash Boy and "rahmetli olsun" Peter Bilezikian, aka Danny Boy, whose birthday was on August 7.  Both Lions of Marash and celestial lions as well, their birthdays were always celebrated together in Wilbraham on the first Sunday of August.  And Marash Girl must comment here on how Danny Boy, were he present, would have loved to have held hands with Louisa May Alcott, most famous for her book Little Women which was first published in 1868!!!

Knowing that Louisa May Alcott and Henry David Thoreau were good family friends, (in fact Thoreau used to be one of Alcott's teachers,) Marash Boy, in his inimitable style, began an academic discussion with Louisa May on what Thoreau would have thought about turning the old railroad tracks (the installation of which Thoreau had been so against) into a bicycle/running path.  Once she understood that a bicycle was a velocipede, Louisa May responded that Thoreau and her father Bronson would have approved of such a path. Unlike most 19th Century United States citizens, Bronson Alcott and Henry David Thoreau believed that physical exercise was healthy and beneficial, a must in the lives of children, men and women. In fact it is said that Louisa May's father, Bronson Alcott, was first to put in place school "recess" for young children attending school!

(As an aside, Louisa May mentioned that many 19th century folks felt that academic pursuits for women such as studying, thinking, and especially writing, weakened the body of women and made them ill!  But that never stopped her from writing.  For a list of some of her more unusual titles, go to

It's worth the trip out to the Colonial Inn situated in the heart of historic Concord, Massachusetts, for Sunday brunch, certainly for the food which was as pleasing to the eye as to the palate, but especially for the opportunity to chat with Louisa May Alcott!  And yes, for those of you who read yesterday's blog post, the Colonial Inn does have a front porch where folks can dine outside!
Louisa May Alcott having a good laugh with Marash Boy in the dining room of the Colonial Inn on the occasion of his birthday!

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