Sunday, November 13, 2011


More images and impressions of Occupy Boston contributed by Visiting Blogger Barley Jim:

 I visited Occupy Boston this week in time to be present at a "GA", General Assembly where the residents were discussing the "procedure to ban anyone from Occupy Boston".  The discussion was free, open, even humorous, all were solicited to speak in turn.  Ah, pure democracy and then the consensual discussed procedure was voted on.

  I had brought warm clothing to donate and noticed a large bin full of gloves, many not only nicer than the ones I had brought to donate but better than the ones I was wearing.

  There was Halloween candy at the entrance and a church had just delivered 12 beautiful homemade apple pies -  a generous blessing!

  There seemed to be a lot of cameras around.  I noticed two young, street garbed clones keeping their barely used looking, black, wide angle LEICAs discretely under their arms while their bulging camera bags unmasked them.

  While a few clearly tourists wandered the camp a number of 1%ers were sincerely viewing the camp and monitoring the GA.

  Again all I encountered were very polite; the camp was well organized, and far fewer police were on sentry.
   I  proceeded to cross the street on my way to do a job for one of the largest financial companies in Boston!

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