Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Blessings

Early edition of John Hancock Christmas Carols
Peace on earth, good will to all.  Luckily, Christmas is wherever you are, because this year, Marash Girl's family must carry their joy with them, their songs in their hearts, and the little Christmas Carol booklets from John Hancock, some from as early as the 1930's, in their pockets.  What memories those booklets carry with them.  Where did Mommy acquire them? Did Mommy and Daddy have John Hancock Insurance, or were those little books everywhere, free for the taking in every store, ubiquitous during the Christmas holidays . . . Don't know, but do know that Mommy valued those little booklets which were in the family home over the years, even as the covers changed from a traditional colored Christmas night scene to a less colorful black red and white design. Marash Girl and her family had those little booklets  handy as did all the carolers who went caroling from door to door in those days -- (though it is unsure as to how they could read the words in the dark as the print was very tiny!)  John Hancock Christmas Carol booklets were as much a part of Christmas as the Christmas tree and the creche.  (Whoops . . . the commercialization of Christmas, but Marash Girl didn't know it then!)

Marash Girl's mother treasured those booklets and carefully packed them away on January 6 in readiness for the next Christmas celebration . . . and to this day, the family sings carols from those booklets which have become part and parcel of Christmas.  This year, as the family will be celebrating away from the homestead, Marash Girl went looking for the tiny treasury of Christmas carols; they were where they always are, on the right, in the cabinet next to the piano.  This year again, the greater family will participate in singing their joy to the heavens, young and old, Christians and Jews.

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