Saturday, December 10, 2011

La Lechuza - And on earth, peace, good will

La Lechuza, la lechuza
Hace shhh, hace shhh
Hagamos silencio, hagamos silencio
Por favor, por favor.
(sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques")

When Aline was very young, and Raffi was in utero, Aline would always sing to Raffi .  She would sing  the song (see above) that she had learned at her day care, the Little Flower Montessori School. 

How is it that you learned this song? Marash Girl asked her granddaughter.

In school, whenever we were noisy, the teachers would start singing to us, and pretty soon we would join in and we would all be singing and then we would all be quiet and peaceful.  (A lesson to be learned here, ladies and gentleman?)

Aline loved singing this song and would sing it to her little brother during that time when she could not yet see him.

Thus it was that after Raffi was born, whenever he started crying or fussing, Aline would sing 'La Lechuza' to him, and hearing the voice and the music that he had known from before his birth, Raffi would stop crying and be at peace with the world around him.

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