Saturday, December 31, 2011

Salad Recipe from THE ANTIOCHIANS

Last night, Marash Girl finally decided to begin reading her copy of  THE ANTIOCHIANS, a novel set in Kessab, Syria, in the early 20th Century, based on the early life of the author, Dr. Albert S. Apelian, the book presented to her many years ago by Dr. Apelian when THE ANTIOCHIANS was first published.  Marash Girl had to stop reading the novel at page 20 in order to share with you, dear reader, a recipe Dr. Apelian shares with his readers for a salad his main character eats in a Kebabji (a restaurant specializing in shish kebab).  This is what Dr. Apelian writes:  "Kevork Agha . . .was served cubes of leg of lamb broiled on spits and a combination salad composed of chopped onions, (fresh) tomatoes, green peppers, parsley and crushed walnut-meat smothered in freshly squeezed pomegranate juice."

Were Marash Girl to make this salad (which she soon will), she would use her Cuisinart to grind the walnuts (as she has no idea how to crush walnuts) and bottled pure pomegranate juice (as she has no idea how to freshly squeeze pomegranates)!

Couldn't wait to share the recipe with you, dear reader...  If you try it before Marash Girl does, be sure to leave a comment as to how the salad comes out.

Marash Girl will keep you apprised of her reading of THE ANTIOCHIANS as she continues the adventure.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

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