Friday, February 3, 2012

Humor that may offend

If politically incorrect humor offends you, read no further.

A Jew, a Greek and an Armenian are in conversation after a friendly round of golf.  They all take out cigars.  

The Jew says, I'm so wealthy that I light my cigars with a five dollar bill.  He pulls out a $5 bill, strikes a match, puts the match  to the $5 bill, and lights his cigar with the flaming $5 bill.

The Greek replies, I'm so wealthy that I light my cigars with a $20 bill.  He pulls out a $20 bill, strikes a match, puts the match to the $20 bill, and lights his cigar with the flaming $20 bill.

The Armenian grins, and says, I'm so wealthy that I use $100 to light my cigars with.   He pulls out his check book, writes a check for $100, strikes a match, puts the match to the check, and lights his cigar with the flaming $100 check.

[Another joke from the archives of Marash Girl's father.]

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