Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mayor Setti Warren Welcomes Newton Open Studios to Newton City Hall

On Friday, February 17th, 2012, a reception was held at Newton City Hall for Monochrome and Minimalism, a juried art show sponsored by Newton Open Studios and the first juried art show exhibited in Newton Mayor Setti Warren's offices.  The show includes works by artists Marcy Stuart, Coleman Rogers, Vicki McKenna, Anthony Lobosco, Alla Lazebnik, Amy Kaufman, Sarah Kahn, Zeina Kahhale, Howard Fineman, James Cain.

Aaron Goldman,  Assistant to Newton's Mayor Setti Warren, views an imposing work of art on the walls of the Mayor's Offices on Friday night.

Three works of art exhibited by Newton Open Studios on Friday in front of the Mayor's Office at Newton City Hall, Newton, Massachusetts

Newton, Massachusetts, Mayor Setti Warren (left) poses with a member of the Newton Parks and Recreation Commission in front of the Mayor's offices at a reception for the current Newton Open Studios Art Exhibit.

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