Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cole Porter Alive and Well at the Emmanuel Church, Boston

Armand Andreassian watching the Cole Porter Review presented at Boston's Emmanuel Church last night by the Andreassian Music Fund.

The New England Light Opera (NELO), Boston area's professional operetta and musical theater company,  last night sponsored by the Andreassian Music Fund, presented the timeless songs of Cole Porter in a revue entitled, "Night and Day: A New Cole Porter Celebration".  The show was presented in architectural magnificence at the historic Emamnuel Church on Newbury Street in Boston.  With the original cast of this revue, the performance featured June Baboian, Kaja Schupper, Brian DeLorenzo, Mark Morgan and joining the cast for the first time at the piano, Margaret Ulmer.  The cabaret atmosphere, small tables with candles, wine and dessert, made for a convivial evening.

As she watched the show, Marash Girl remembered her mother, felt that her mother was with her, singing along, laughing, tapping her foot to the music, getting up and dancing to the more danceable tunes.  Her mother, known as Grandma Jennie to the kids, would be waving to June Baboian, exclaiming how amazing it was that her friend, Rose Baboian of cookbook fame, had such a talented granddaughter on stage, a wonderful actress with a powerful and beautiful voice.  Grandma Jennie would be so excited to go back and tell Rose how much she loved the show.  But then, Grandma Jennie and Rose were probably watching the show from above and loving every minute of it!

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