Friday, March 30, 2012

Love and Sorrow

Wednesday evening, at a Newton bi-monthly Knitting Circle, Ann-Louise shared a joke that she had found recently in a book of Jewish jokes at her local book store. She didn't buy the book, but she remembered the joke.  Here it is.

A young Jewish man, after asking his girlfriend, a young Native American woman, to marry him, invited the girl to his home to meet his mother.

Hello, the young woman said to her fiancĂ©'s mother.  I'm Laughing Water.

Hello, answered the young man's mother.  I'm Sitting Shiva.


  1. I would find that joke more amusing if I hadn't too many stories about real life Jewish mothers like that. Marko Pasha

  2. I would find that joke more amusing if I hadn't too many stories about real life Jewish mothers like that. Marko Pasha
