Thursday, April 26, 2012


On the evening of April 24, Armenians of Greater Boston attended a  requiem service at St. Stephen's Armenian Apostolic Church in Watertown, Massachusetts, followed by the 97th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide organized by The Greater Boston Committee to Commemorate the Armenian Genocide.

Leading a procession from the front of St. Stephen's Church to the Armenian Cultural & Educational Center, Watertown, Massachusetts, were the Scouts of the Boston Chapter of Homenetmen

The audience, both young and old, listened attentively as Hagop Der Khatchadourian, chairman of the Armenian National Committee World Council, speaks in both English and Armenian about recognition, justice and compensation for the 1915-1923 genocide of over 1.5 million Armenians by the Young Turks and the Ottoman government.  Paintings commemorating the horrific occurrence were hung on the walls of the auditorium.

Rev. Fr. Antranig Baljian speaks words of hope to the assembled at the closing of the event.

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