Friday, July 27, 2012


Last night, Chris Bohjalian, the author of the recently published and widely acclaimed novel, THE SANDCASTLE GIRLS, spoke to over 300 people who crowded into the third floor gallery of the Armenian Library and Museum of America.  More on his presentation tomorrow, but today, Marash Girl, who has always believed in free writing (if you read her blog posts, you're well aware of that), would like to record novelist Chris Bohjalian's response (during the questions & answer period at the end of the evening) to a would be author in the audience.

Member of audience:  "What advice do you have for a would be novelist?"

Chris Bohjalian: "Let me tell you a story.  When I was in college, I wanted to take a class in creative writing.  In order to do that, I had to submit a sample of my writing, and meet with the creative writing professor.  And meet we did.  As I entered the room, I saw my writing sample sitting on the professor's desk.  As the professor looked up at me, I had a sense of foreboding:  'I have three words for you, she said.  Become an accountant.'  I never did take a course in creative writing.  Now, 15 published books later, I can only tell you that if you want to write, write.  Write every day.  Write what you love.  If you like mysteries, write mysteries; if you like romance, write romance; if you like poetry, write poetry.  But write! And never stop reading!"

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