Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yard Sale This Saturday

Having forgotten that all of her "yard sale" tables were somewhere on the top of the mountain in Wilbraham, the access barred by fallen trees and fallen neighbors, Marash Girl planned a yard sale for this Saturday, much to Marash Boy's dismay.  Marash Girl's most fun times, Marash Boy's least fun times.  Thus all of yesterday was taken up with collecting borrowed tables from kindly friends to display Marash Girl's antiques and collectibles, books and vintage jewelry, items she has collected over the years, items she no longer needs to look at!  Bargains galore for the lover of beautiful things.  Wanna peek?  Come by 255 Newtonville Avenue, Newton Corner/Newtonville, this Saturday (that's in two days!) from 9 to 4, and browse and buy at 10 cents on the dollar.  Nothing can go back into the house.  That's the deal!

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