Thursday, October 4, 2012


 A groggy but dedicated volunteer crew answers telephones this morning, having arrived at the station well before this photo was taken, round about 6:30 AM!
Color coordinated volunteer admits that she checks  what the TV weather lady is wearing  every morning and dresses accordingly!
WBUR volunteer munches on the apple and savors the book provided by WBUR while he waits for the next donor's phone call.  He's sporting the WBUR baseball cap that was offered yesterday as one of the thank you gifts to donors.
Stacey Moyer, Coordinator of Volunteers
 Stacey Moyer (standing) is kept busy coordinating the volunteers!
Jonathan Peck, formerly volunteer coordinator, volunteers!
Tom Ashbrook, host of WBUR's On Point, visits with the volunteers, thanking them for coming in.

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