Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chile Con Carne with Leftover Turkey

Recently, Cajunlicious posted a great recipe for Chile Con Carne; reading the recipe, Marash Girl thought, Aha!  I'll grind up the leftover dark turkey meat from our Thanksgiving turkey and substitute that for the ground beef called for in the Chile Con Carne recipe . . .  a delicious post-Thanksgiving treat!  Thanks, Cajunlicious, for the inspiration. . .  Just click this link to find her recipe for chile con carne, and, as Marash Girl suggests above, in place of beef, substitute (post-Thanksgiving) cooked dark turkey meat ground up in your Cuisinart:  The non-beef eaters in the crowd will love you for it, and the others probably won't know the difference (unless you confess).  Spices cover up the cook's sins of omission as well as her sins of commission!  (Don't know about his!)

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