Thursday, November 29, 2012

Marash Girl Blog Awarded Liebster Blog Award by Hye Thyme Cafe

Chris Coyle of Hye Thyme Cafe has awarded Marash Girl's Blog the Liebster Award!  Marash Girl thanks you, Chris! What the award is actually for is unclear -- the award may mean that the giver loves the Marash Girl Blog (liebster translated from the German meaning "beloved").   Marash Girl, in order to accept this award, must "pass it on" to five other bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers; in addition, she must reveal 11 facts about herself once she accepts the Liebster Award, which she does.  So here goes.

Award # 1 goes to Karoun at, Yoga teacher/philosopher, Springfield, Massachusetts, [new studios in West Springfield, Massachusetts, coming in 2013].

Award #2 goes to Robyn at The Armenian Kitchen, a collection of (mostly) Armenian recipes (for the American kitchen) and the history surrounding those recipes.

Award #3 goes to Deron at whose blog mainly provides information on bars and pub crawls in New York City.

Award #4 goes to Garo (Christian Garbis) at Notes From Hairenik | An Armenian Blog (in English) that  keeps us updated on the latest in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, from the perspective of an American Armenian.

Award #5 goes to a blogger new to blogging, and a new resident of Southern California, Abigail Howard at Class of '62, who writes about life in the slow lane!

Upon accepting this award, the recipients must agree to list 11 facts about themselves.  Here are the facts about Marash Girl.

Fact #1.  Marash Girl loves to find treasures at yard sales.
Fact #2. Marash Girl loves to gift those treasures to people she loves.
Fact #3. People she loves don't like the treasures and return them to Marash Girl.
Fact #4. Marash Girl donates those treasures to the local church flea market
Fact #5. Marash Girl's friend finds the perfect gift for Marash Girl at the local church flea market.
Fact #6. Marash Girl's friend gifts the perfect gift found at the local church flea market to Marash Girl.
Fact #7. Marash Girl redonates the perfect gift found at the local church flea market to the local church flea market.
Fact #8.  Marash Girl makes sure she is not in town for the next local church flea market
Fact #9.  This action taken by Marash Girl makes Marash Boy happy, but reading the Marash Girl Blog does not, which makes Marash Girl sad.
Fact #10.  Marash Girl loves to write blog posts daily.
Fact #11.  Marash Girl loves folks who read her blog posts, and especially folks who have signed up to follow her blog (hint, hint).

Marash Girl has notified the recipients of the Liebster Blog Award and awaits their acceptance with bated breath.

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