Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On the subway with Eric Bogosian

A loyal reader notified Marash Girl of the following encounter on the subway in New York City. . .

After leaving a party in Park Slope in Brooklyn, my girlfriend and I walked to the Grand Army subway stop and on the platform, I recognized Eric Bogosian (looking more gray than I remembered him on Law & Order: CI).  He was with a few friends.  He boarded the subway with his friends.  When we reached my stop, he was still on the train; I walked past him and said, “Mr. Bogosian, Deron C.....ian, I love your work; have a good night”.  And he shook my hand and replied, “Thank you very much”.  Funny thing, I wanted to go to the Armenian event at which he was speaking earlier this week, but didn’t because of Hurricane Sandy.  To see a description of the event I missed, click http://dld.bz/bRzKV

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