Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pot Roast For Supper

Casting about for what to cook for supper?  If you have a large cast : ) iron pot, and time for a  quick trip to the suppermarket (typo deliberate), your problem is solved.  Solved, that is, if you begin preparing supper at lunch time.  Here's what to do.

Get out your biggest cast iron pot (LeCreuset or similar)  -- Marash Girl has LeCreuset pots in her favorite color, the traditional orange, though possibly any color would work : ) -- and fill that pot.  Yep, you're going to fill it to the brim, so get ready.  (Of course, before filling the pot, you're going to wash all ingredients first in clean, cool water, including the meat!)

1)  A large pot roast goes into the pot first.
2)  Over the pot roast, peeled garlic, (if you have time, make slits in the pot roast and place the peeled garlic into the slits in the pot roast) or if no time and you have it, toss in 1/4 cup bottled ready to use chopped garlic (salt-free, no oils, NO PRESERVATIVES)  
3)  Now it's a free for all -- toss in unpeeled potatoes, peeled onions, peeled carrots, peeled turnips (if you have them), celery with leaves, and tomatoes.  As after the frost is the time of year when fresh tomatoes are not plentiful (or simply not delicious), open up a can or two of chopped or peeled whole tomatoes (preservative free, of course) or your own home canned tomatoes, and toss them over the lot in the pot.
4)  Cover the pot with its cover : ) and place the covered pot in the center of the oven.
5)  Roast for 3 to 5 hours at 275 degrees fahrenheit.
6)  Get on the phone and call all your friends over to join you for supper!

Marash Girl did not add any salt, pepper, red pepper, or herbs, and the pot roast was delicious as it stood, but try your hand with your favorite combination of spices and herbs and share the secret in the comments below!  As you may have heard, pot roast is even better the next day.  Let us all know how yours comes out!

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