Thursday, March 21, 2013

Is REDSKINS a racial slur?

The Washington Redskins - will they win in trademark court?  Native Americans are arguing that the name is a racial slur, but according to CBS News , "as the 90-minute hearing before three judges on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board showed, the case against the team is not as simple as declaring that the word “redskins” is a slur and therefore shouldn’t have federal trademark protection. The group of five Native American petitioners has to show that the name 'Washington Redskins' was disparaging to a significant population of American Indians back when the team was granted the trademarks from 1967 to 1990."

The court case, addressed this week by Bill Littlefield on  WBUR's "Only A Game", brought back the memory of how one Native American was treated in the 1960's in Harvard Square.

Upon entering a liquor store, a Navajo Indian friend, a student at Harvard University, attempted to purchase a bottle of wine.  The store keeper replied, "We don't sell firewater to Redskins."  Not meant as a racial slur?  Marash Girl doubts that.  Perhaps the Native American petitioners should ask Marash Girl to testify!

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