Friday, April 5, 2013

Aintab, Western Armenia

"The Gaziantep American Hospital was founded in 1879 with the grants from a group of doctors who had graduated from Yale," (the university from which Marash Girl's great uncle Luther Bosnian graduated).  Aintab (or Aintep) was the name of the city and the hospital when the hospital was founded. It was the city where Marash Girl's maternal grandmother and grandfather were born. Only after the Genocide (1915-1922) against the Armenian people, when there were no Armenians left in the city, was the city and the hospital's name  changed to Gaziantep.  Alice Shepard Riggs, the author of the book, Shepard of Aintab, a book about her father's doctoring in Aintab, lived  in Newton, Massachusetts, when Marash GIrl interviewed her in the 1970's.  That interview is available for listening at the Armenian Library and Museum of America in Watertown, Massachusetts.  A first edition copy of Shepard of Aintab is available for sale at

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