Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sheltered in Place Noodles

Sheltered in place, Marash Girl looked through the kitchen to see what she could throw together for lunch, as all the stores had been ordered closed by the Mayor in light of the hunt for the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon Massacre.  

Looking at the ingredients on hand, and with some advice from Barley Jim who had come visiting despite the shelter in place order, Marash Girl and Barley Jim came up with a concoction that can't be beat!  And it's vegan to boot!

Here is what we threw together:

Whole wheat noodles (freshly cooked, or, as in our case, cold and left over from the day before)
Tahini (you determine how much -- perhaps several tablespoons)
Tamari (to taste)
The juice of a fresh lemon

Toss the dressing over the noodles, and reheat if the noodles are cold.

Absolutely delicious and ready in minutes.

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