Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Watertown Evangelical Church Celebrates 75 Years

This past weekend, Marash Girl attended the 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Watertown Evangelical Church (formerly known as the United Armenian Bretheren Evangelical Church of Watertown), the church in which she grew up, the church established by her Great Uncle Vartan, the church that her Grandmother and Grandfather helped to fund.  Marash Girl will be commenting over the next few days about her reminiscences, but today, she wants to share a bit of downright disappointment.

When Marash Girl was 5 years old, she appeared in a Christmas Pageant on the  stage of this very church . . . Marash Girl played the part of Mary and Leo played the part of Joseph.  Marash Girl was so excited then . . . and has never forgotten the experience, but when she saw Leo at the church anniversary celebration this past weekend,  she asked him if he remembered the Christmas Pageant of years past, the pageant in which he played Joseph and Marash Girl played Mary.  He shrugged his shoulders and answered, "No..." 

"It was so romantic, and he doesn't even remember!" wailed Marash Girl, several hours later.

"Unrequited love," quipped Marash Boy with a grin.

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