Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet Potato Spinach "Turlu"

Marash Girl received the following email from her daughter, who has agreed to share her vegetarian creation with the readers of Marash Girl's blog.  She writes:

"I made this concoction kind of randomly and it turned out so good!  It is kind of like a "warm salad", only a few ingredients!

"Cut a large sweet potato (or 2, or 3) into 1.5" cubes - toss in a bowl with olive oil, kosher salt and ground black pepper.

"Spread on a baking sheet and roast at 425 for 20-25 minutes or until soft.

"Let cool for several minutes.

"In the meantime, wilt a big pile of fresh spinach in some olive oil on the stovetop.  Turn off heat as soon as all the leaves are wilted so it doesn't get "too cooked".

"Put some of the roasted sweet potato cubes in a bowl and cover with the wilted spinach leaves. Then drizzle some balsamic vinegar on top (but not too much)

"Healthy and delicious!!"

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