Sunday, July 28, 2013

Stained Glass Windows designed for Cape Cod: Our Lady of the Cape Parish

Our Lady of the Cape Parish recently restored its stained glass windows, windows designed specifically for the Cape Cod church in 1962. Located in Brewster, Massachusetts, the parish writes in its brochure that all the original stained glass windows (installed in 1962) have been removed, restored & even enlarged.  They note, "In the 14 original 'Jesus Windows', the motif of the sea and Jesus' relationship to water is ever present as New Testament accounts portray Jesus preaching at the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan."               Photos by Marash Girl

"At thy word I will lower the net."
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net.

The fishermen were washing their nets.

"Lord, save me."
"Lord, save us."

The outline of Cape Cod:
"God separated Land and Sea . . . Genesis 1:9

"Waters refreshing my soul . . . " Psalm 42

Church reflects community and this church's building reflects its community (the roof the structure of 3 boats turned over).

Marash Girl's  photos do not even begin to capture the light and inspiration that the structure and stained glass windows provide the worshipful.

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