Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Zucchini got you wondering?

Making sulu is always an option when an Armenian dandigin wants to prepare fresh vegetables . . . and so when Marash Girl spied a large zucchini at the Farmer's Market (yes, she was a failure at growing her own) . . . she purchased it, deciding to try her hand at making something other than chrtma -- her siblings' least favorite food, though Marash Boy's favorite.  

Returning home, she gathered a yellow onion or two from her basket of potatoes, garlic and onions and proceeded to chop and saute the freshly harvested vegetable (onions) in olive oil and when browned, added chopped garlic, stirring, careful not to burn the garlic.  Setting that aside, she chopped up the zucchini (unpeeled) and tossed the zucchini into the sautéed onion mix, stirring the vegetables around for good measure.  Then she added a can of crushed tomatoes.  There you have a basic recipe for sulu -- a  preparation for green vegetables served over rice pilaf.  But Marash Girl, feeling lazy, didn't want to have to prepare rice when she served this dish. . . She wanted the sulu to be a dish unto itself.  She thought about adding the potatoes (that were sharing the space in the bin with the onions and garlic) but didn't like the thought of eating chunks of potatoes with the zucchini.  Thinking again (which she does only on occasion), she decided to finely chop the potatoes -- extremely finely chop the potatoes -- by pulsing them in her newly acquired Cuisinart.  (She destroyed her previous Cusinart by doing something she'll never admit to -- and replacing the machine sure cost her a "pretty penny", as the expression goes.) Stirring the finely chopped, "pulsed" potatoes into the zucchini mixture, she placed the pot (her heavy cast iron enameled LeCreuset -- orange, of course) into the oven and baked the vegetable mixture for an hour.  While the sulu was baking on a low temperature (actually, sulus are usually cooked on the stove top, not in the oven), she prepared chicken stock from the roasted chicken she had served the day before.  ( Homemade chicken broth or turkey broth made from the bones, skin, pan drippings of a roasted chicken or turkey -- after or before you've finished eating all of the roasted chicken that you care to -- boiled with water and a splash of white vinegar for about an hour.)  

When the sulu and broth were ready, both at about the same time, Marash Girl decided that she didn't feel like eating sulu or chicken broth, so she combined the two -- and served the most delicious supper ever!

N.B.  For some reason, baking the sulu in the oven made a huge difference in the flavor of the sulu . . . and, for that matter, the soup!

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