Friday, November 1, 2013

Pudd, Jack, Casablanca, Marash and Halloween

As Halloween unveiled itself, Marash Girl remembered with delight joining Pudd and Jack and the kids trick-or-treating . . . Pudd, dressed in her tuxedo attire following  the trail of the costumed neighborhood kids following Jack dressed in his Arab garb (a la Casablanca) with Haroutioun Emi's fez upon his head . . .   A special treat for Marash Girl who had never been allowed to go trick or treating, as her father saw it as "begging".  Even when he was starving in Marash,  he often recounted, his mother would never allow her children to go into the soup line that the missionaries had set up  . . .   better to starve than to beg, she would say, as she went to work daily for her loaf of bread at the missionary hospital in Marash, and came home to make soup from whatever scraps she could garner, taking one spoon and announcing to her kids, "I'm full . . . you children go ahead and eat. . . "

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