Friday, December 6, 2013

Hospitality a la Marash & Aintep

Some hints on Armenian courtesy . . . or perhaps it's Marashtsi/Ainteptsi courtesy . . .

All those dishes that folks bring filled to the brim with goodies for the holidays?  Once you empty them, what do you do with them?  Do you remember to return the dishes?  And when you return the dishes, are they empty?


Never return a dish empty of goodies . . . If you have nothing to fill the dish with, don't return it until you do!

I was reminded of this "rule" when a non-Armenian friend (actually now Armenian, given that she's been married to an Armenian for forever) returned my baking dish, a dish that had been filled with Marash Girl's Peach Cake (and yes, the peaches were from Wilbraham) . . . Marash Girl's friend  returned the dish with a loaf of the most delicious Banana Nut Bread Marash Girl has ever tasted . . .

So, ladies and gentlemen, a word to the wise, in this case, words to the wise . . . .

Oh, and by the way, Merry Christmas!

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