Monday, May 26, 2014

Yardsaling in Stowe, Vermont

Where was Marash Girl going to find a jig saw puzzle in Stowe? (A necessity when the weatherman promised rain all week!)

Maybe at a yard sale?  And there it was -- a yard sale sign -- and yes, the yard sale had two jigsaw puzzles, one 500 piece and one 1000 piece.  Are they complete? Marash Girl asked, knowing better and knowing that the answer would be far different from the reality.  "Of course they're complete," was the answer.  "My wife would never sell a puzzle that wasn't complete!"   Marash Girl just smiled.

Next yard sale, dogs come leaping out at Marash Girl as she got out of the car --  and they were tall dogs reaching above her shoulders.  "Don't worry," said the yard sale perpetrators;  "they're friendly.  They only bite folks who don't buy anything."

"Do you have any yarn?" asked Marash Girl.   "No, but I could unravel my sweater for you," answered the dog owner.  "And we do have a sewing machine. . . Why knit when you can sew?  It's faster!"

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