Monday, October 6, 2014

Cooking Idea for October: Sweet Potato Pancakes

Cooked too many sweet potatoes for last night's supper? Don't know what to make for breakfast?  Well, if your family members are fans of pancakes, you have no problems!

Just add peeled, blended up or well mashed cooked sweet potatoes to your pancake batter along with a 1/2 tsp (or more to taste) of cinnamon and nutmeg, substituting the sweet potatoes for some of the milk -- in other words, reduce the milk to approximately the same amount as the sweet potatoes you have added, so that in total you add the same amount of liquid -- just so the batter looks about right -- and you will have the most delicious pancakes, pancakes that you'll want to snack on throughout the day . . . Or perhaps that's a good reason NOT to make them!

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