Friday, November 28, 2014

Can a pill or a drink improve your cardiovascular health?

Thinking about all that wine you drank yesterday?  Here are some more thoughts on wine . . . 

Here is the link for a podcast in which Dr. Nisha Charkoudian, Research Physiologist, US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, interviews Dr. Michael Joyner, Professor of anesthesiology and Physiology, Mayo Clinic and Dr. Lasse Gliemann, postdoctoral research fellow, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, for the American Journal of Physiology.  . . .

Dr. Charkoudian writes, "I'm serving as 'guest editor' with the journal for a few months, and this is one of the projects they asked me to be involved with ... it's an interesting discussion about resveratrol, one of the components of red wine that is thought to contribute to its health benefits."  

To listen to the podcast, go to When you get there, scroll down to the podcast entitled "Angiogenic Response to Exercise and Resveratrol", click the link, and listen up!  You'll be surprised at what you learn!

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