Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Glven up on making oatmeal from scratch, have you?

Try again!  Combining the wisdoms of Grandpa Peter and Grandma Jennie, Marash Girl has come up with the solution for the perfect oatmeal for breakfast -- and ready in three minutes.

Buy yourself a tub of old-fashioned oatmeal at the supermarket -- nothing fancy, just plain old fashioned oatmeal.  All the supermarkets package oatmeal under their own labels, but Quaker Oats also still carries the original, old-fashioned oatmeal.

Pour a cup of dry oatmeal into a microwaveable bowl.  Add a cup of whole milk, a 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla, a teaspoon or more (to taste) of brown sugar.  Cook in the microwave for one minute. Open the microwave, remove the bowl of oatmeal, and stir.  If necessary, add more milk.  Repeat several times until the oatmeal is cooked to your liking.  (Marash Boy and Marash Girl like theirs slightly crunchy.)  Serve with freshly sliced bananas and milk.  In about five minutes, you will have a delicious and nutritious breakfast!

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