Saturday, March 21, 2015

Invite your plants to take a shower

At the end of this long cold winter, especially if your heating system is of the "hot air" variety, you can be sure that all of your indoor plants are covered with dust, no matter how dust-free you think your house is.  Your plants are ready for a nice cool shower.  And that's what they deserve!  Just take your potted plants into the bathroom, place them in your shower stall or your bath tub,  and shower them in a gentle shower with water that is at room temperature.  (Too hot or too cold will be too much of a shock for the plants to endure . . .  no soap please, unless the plants are buggy!)  [Thanks to Susan of Longmeadow for this idea.] 

Alternatively, if you don't have a shower, as soon as the weather warms up, when the weatherman forecasts a gentle rain (no wind), take your potted indoor plants outside for their spring bathing.

You'll be surprised at how your plants will "come alive"!

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