Friday, March 27, 2015

Sell-Out Crowd Greets Author Chris Bohjalian at Watertown Free Public Library

Joe Rossi (right) greets author Chris Bohjalian (left)  who holds a copy of his book,      
The Sandcastle Girls
Ten-time New York Times best-selling author Chris Bohjalian and author of  The Sandcastle Girls appeared yesterday evening at the Watertown Free Public Library as part of Watertown's commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.  A sell-out crowd awaited him.  Unfortunately there was no room "in the inn", as it were, for those (like Marash Girl and her escort) who had not purchased tickets ($5/person) ahead of time, and even tickets for standing room only were sold out.  

Nonetheless, Marash Girl and her escort arrived early enough to greet Chris Bohjalian as he approached the crowds gathering around the doors of the lecture hall (a rather small lecture hall, at that, for such a prominent figure) and Chris was gracious enough to allow a photo to be taken before he greeted the throngs who were there to hear him speak.
Chris Bohjalian inscribes and signs a copy of his novel, Sandcastle Girls.

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