Sunday, May 3, 2015

Going to Washington, DC to commemorate the Armenian Genocide Centennial?

For weeks, Marash Girl's daughter has been looking forward to a visit from Marash Girl and Marash Boy so that they could commemorate the Armenian Genocide Centennial together at events in Washington, DC.  The question always came down to the following:  
"But what events shall we attend?  I checked the website -- -- and all of the events are sold out!"  

Marash Girl kept sending her daughter the link, reminding her that the website referred to many events; Marash Girl's daughter, who had earned her doctorate at Johns Hopkins University,  kept searching but always came up with the same answer: "All the events are sold out!"  Marash Girl checked the website herself and came to the same conclusion.  But that couldn't be.  So she asked Marash Boy, who had earned his doctorate at Harvard University (granted not a doctorate in how to manipulate websites), and he too came up with nada.  Marash Girl called Tatoul Badalian who masters the online calendar of Armenian Events in the New England area, and he could not help.    What was going on?  Finally, Marash Boy reminded Marash Girl that she was friends with one of the managers of the centennial program.   Marash Girl immediately picked up her iPhone, and commanded Siri to call said manager who immediately answered and greeted Marash Girl.  Marash Girl had, apparently, interrupted the manager's dinner.  Nonetheless, the manager was gracious and patiently explained to Marash Girl that Marash Girl (did Marash Girl have a pencil?) should go to the website,, and would there find a list of events.  "But they're all sold out," Marash Girl announced, with great assurance. 

"NO!  Did you go to the website?" 

"Yes!" answered Marash Girl, "and I clicked on EVENTS. And everything was sold out!" 

"Oh," announced her friend.  "There's your problem.  You have to click on 'OUTREACH' and you'll find a listing of all kinds of free events going on in the Washington, DC area over May 6, 7,  8" . Marash Girl had never imagined that "Outreach" meant a listing of events. Nonetheless, Marash Girl did as she was instructed  and did indeed  find a list of free events that were NOT sold out, although no dates or times were listed for the individual events on the website.  Luckily, the website tells us that "schedules and venue sites are provided at the Marriott Marquis."  Whew!  Finally an answer?  We'll see . . .

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