Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Grandma Jennie's Strawberry Short Cake

Today, King Arthur sent me an email with a recipe for their strawberry shortcake using biscuits for the base. Immediate flashback to Grandma Jennie's strawberry shortcake which always tasted better than anyone else's. Why?  Because Grandma Jennie made her strawberry short cake from scratch, yes, with freshly picked strawberries,  her own freshly prepared and baked sponge cake (possibly Betty Crocker's recipe for sponge cake?) and heavy cream freshly whipped by her own hand.  (Those were the days when folks thought it was very cool to buy frozen sliced strawberries and whipped cream in a tin can that squirted out the cream in a stream or in a plastic tub that contained an artificial whipped cream called Dream Whip -- so many chemicals that it would make you faint just to read them!)  But Grandma Jennie bucked the tide and made her own, old-fashioned strawberry shortcake, cake that left everyone asking for seconds and left Grandma Jennie (Marash Girl's mother)  smiling!

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