Monday, May 18, 2015

Kumbet, Marash, Turkey

Kumbet, Marash, Turkey, taken from the Bilezikjian house.  1916           Photo Credit: Bir Zamanlar Marash, Facebook

Marash Girl's father Peter, Uncle Paul, Auntie Rosie, Auntie Gulenia, and Grandma Yepros were living in Kumbet when this photo was taken in 1916.
According to the Facebook page, Bir Zamanlar Marash, what is still known as the Bilezikjian house is situated in the "Kayabaşı mahalle" it's situated near the German hospital and the Fransiscan monastery.
Early 20th Century Map of Marash - Note Kumbet Quarter to the East, middle of the right side of the map, just West of the road to the German Farm, just southwest of the mountains that Peter used to roam as a child.

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