Wednesday, May 20, 2015

She Killed Her Cat

A while back, a friend gifted a very large dragon leaf begonia to Marash Girl.  The plant was too 

large for any space in Marash Girl's abode, so Marash Girl gifted the plant to a friend who worked at 

Newton Parks and Recreation.

Last night, at a meeting of Newton Parks and Recreation, Marash Girl saw the new owner of the 

dragon leaf begonia and asked how the plant was doing.

"Oh, it's fine," she said.   "We're keeping the begonia at the office though.  After doing some research, 

I learned that begonias are poisonous to animals, especially cats!  All of us at the office love the 

begonia."   The conclusion to the story?   "The plant is doing great, and so is my cat!"

N.B.  The former owner of the begonia never could figure out why her father's cat, a cat she had adopted and dearly loved,  mysteriously passed away soon after she adopted it.

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